Tuesday, September 29, 2009

to the zoo!!

the trip to taronga zoo was great fun.

the animals are not that active but cute, and also curious. i think they must have enjoyed watching us, human being, as we go hoo haa at every single adorable stunts they performed. now i know i am not the only jakun in the earth, there are others lurking everywhere.

anyway, i didn't get the chance to hug nor pat a koala. i can only watch them their grey asses from afar.

taronga zoo
amalgram of excitments - a forever snoozing koala, giraffe, a pile of leaves a frill-necked lizard and more of course.

taronga zoo
looking at me looking at it.

taronga zoo
very innocent attention graber. look at the eyes.. aw..

taronga zoo
yer, your doi doi! i can be sure that this kangaroo must be an asian judging by the slit eyes.

taronga zoo
ass photo!

taronga zoo
more sexy ass!

monkey me
and my ass face.

0 think this is madness!: