Friday, October 28, 2011

snippets bangkok 2011 | part 0.5

giraffo and I

the giraffe was trying to chew on my watch.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

no flood la dei

I am in bangkok, and it is still very happening. in case any flood happens, I can swim pretty well.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


these are just salt and pepper shakers okay, i don't know how i ended up shooting photos like this:-

i tell you, this is just all in your mind. stop thinking about dirty things.

AHAHA part 2
HEHE part 1

HEHE part 2

well, not going to elaborate
HEHE part #3

huggies from the back
HEHE part #4

HEHE part #5

Saturday, October 15, 2011

kuantan | september 2011

the long break in september was good. i took the opportunity to travel back to kuantan, and it has been a while since i spent time with doggie thingamajiky and my parents.

doggie thingamajiky thinks she's human now, and she acts literally more like a human being than a dog. it is even funnier that she thinks she can replace me since she spends more time at home than me. she sleeps on my bed, she chews on my tower, and complains to my mother when she didn't like the weird voices i made to tease her.

she's so dramatic. 

egg yolk hiding behind the bush

some deserted beach
some beach with tons of tiny crabs

graffiti on the sand

caption is lame

DSC02581 copy
sea shell

acorn on my dad's hand
dad's hand

acorn and new found friend 

the clouds were so pretty that day

Mom and Doggie Thingamajiky
she likes to go out for a walk, without walking

doggie in the park!
doggie thingamajiky is always ready for the camera!

lotus petal on the grass

i am a happy dog!
i am happy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

still my favourite song ever!




Saturday, October 8, 2011

i rang my dad up yesterday night about 11:58pm:-

me: hello! are you asleep? (obviously not right now, else who was the one picking up my call.)
dad: what? was about to fall asleep and you rang.
me: i have a very important question to ask you.
dad: what?

if one day you were stranded on an island. far far away, obviously you can't swim back to where you are right now. so you search high and low, left and right, far and near for food, but there's nothing on the island. when you are about to give up hope, you suddenly see two cans lying on sand like,100m away.

you run like a crazy person to reach for those lifesavers and on the labels stated:
can #1: shit flavoured curry
can #2: curry flavoured shit
which one would you choose? jeng jeng jeng.

dad: .....
me: hello hello?
dad: you don't need to sleep one right? you talk to your mom.
me: hello mom.
mom: you choose which one?

me: bwahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahahah, no can opener how to open the can....bwahahhahaha..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

tired so am i

i am so tired and i feel like i can eat a lot  people alive for breakfast.

i don't even know what am i talking.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

new friends #1

met a couple of cute new friends frolicking under the sun that day. it certainly brought back good old memories of the time when i used to have loads and loads of furry friends, back in the primary school days.

Cat's Foot
comparing feet, mine's cooler my little furry friend.

looking at me looking at her. 

i remember vividly how much i hated homework, and all i wanted to do was to play with all the furry friends behind my house after school. i made a point to meet my furry friends everyday or to smuggle my mom's food whenever i can. rain or shine, nothing, literally nothing can stop me from not doing these every single day.

i didn't even care to make friends with my peers because they think i wasn't cool enough to play "masak-masak" with them. it didnt bothered me too much, as all i need was my furry friends to be around.

not sure when did i gradually stop hanging out with them. wonder if they are still around, and i wonder.