Tuesday, October 5, 2010

overdose of sexcitement!

Japanese High School Student Died from Masturbation
A male high school student from Miyazaki Prefecture was found dead in his room wearing nothing on his lower body. Miyazaki hospital found that a large amount of semen was secreted from the testes, and when the brain experienced intense excitement, his body went into cardiopulmonary arrest.
Upon dissection, investigators found that the boy had masturbated a few dozens of times in the day and overproduction of sex hormones caused sudden death.
So if you don't want to die an embarrassing death:
- Don't masturbate after heavy drinking or in public (to increase excitement). Increased blood pressure can cause brain haemorrhages or heart and breathing problems.
- Be careful when using toys etc. Some people tie themselves up and suffocate. Subarachnoid hemorrhage can result in women when too many objects are put inside the vagina.
- Don't hold back orgasm. This places a lot of pressure on the heart as it needs to pump a lot of blood for extended periods to sustain the erection.
- Don't masturbate in intense situation like on the floor. This places a lot of pressure on the body.
hwei!: is this a spam?
OneStrangeGirl: not spam
OneStrangeGirl: lolol
hwei!: but how possibly can someone else die from masturbation?
OneStrangeGirl: good question!!
OneStrangeGirl: overdose of orgasm?
hwei!: that explains, people need a balance dose of excitement and sadness in life.
hwei!: else you will die of orgasm.
OneStrangeGirl: LOL
OneStrangeGirl: yeahhhh!
hwei! and don't hold back when there's an orgasm.
i don't know how true this news can be, but well, this dude was died of an accidental excitement overdose. how many people in this world died being contented? this guy is one lucky fella.

2 think this is madness!:

kc October 6, 2010 at 9:51 AM  

on one hand - they say it's good for your prostate, one the other, you could die.

the amazing kuli October 7, 2010 at 11:05 AM  

die happily eh! i'd rather be. :p