Saturday, October 15, 2011

kuantan | september 2011

the long break in september was good. i took the opportunity to travel back to kuantan, and it has been a while since i spent time with doggie thingamajiky and my parents.

doggie thingamajiky thinks she's human now, and she acts literally more like a human being than a dog. it is even funnier that she thinks she can replace me since she spends more time at home than me. she sleeps on my bed, she chews on my tower, and complains to my mother when she didn't like the weird voices i made to tease her.

she's so dramatic. 

egg yolk hiding behind the bush

some deserted beach
some beach with tons of tiny crabs

graffiti on the sand

caption is lame

DSC02581 copy
sea shell

acorn on my dad's hand
dad's hand

acorn and new found friend 

the clouds were so pretty that day

Mom and Doggie Thingamajiky
she likes to go out for a walk, without walking

doggie in the park!
doggie thingamajiky is always ready for the camera!

lotus petal on the grass

i am a happy dog!
i am happy!

1 think this is madness!:

plue November 14, 2011 at 2:35 PM  

she's your sister!!!!! :P walk without walking, omg that's funny lah :P