Are you happy today?
and :D
and you know why.
p/s: i;ve already updated my blog.
and :D
and you know why.
p/s: i;ve already updated my blog.
Ah sial , I've finished my last patch of salonpas!
S.O.S! 3 more needed for my stiff shoulder!Should have grab Salonpas's 3-pack promotion while i was loitering in Guardian today.
Dang, I am not only ageing prematurely, my back is also in the process of becoming a sticker book in collection of Salonpas patches.
Anyway, travelling down to Kuantan agian. Seeing doggie in 14 hours time, wheeeeee.
I am hwei's pen drive.
I think she's annoyed at me.
I think i am doing a good job all these while, why is she still annoyed?
I am yours truly, owner of the pen drive.
I think you know i hate you.
I think you know too, i have to use you because I've gave my cute blue pen drive to my dad.
Yes, you are right, for couple of times, i wished you were lost.
Yes, for most of the time, I've simply placed you anywhere, but you were miraculously found, without fail, everytime.
Kid me not if you still need the reason why I hate you. Don't you know it's not your problem?
I tried to disown you, and you are still stick with me.
I guess, no body wants you too.
You'll have to make do with me, like I do the same to you, too.
Dang, i am not acting like myself agian and worst, I am talking on behalf of my pen drive? or I am talking to my pen drive?
Can I not go to work?
Can I just take one step behind, or like SueWinTheDiplomat said, to look for that god damn balance point?
Dang, why am i born stubborn? Dang.
Damn mengada.
I know one day, he will become a lala, a TRUE lala.
I never want to admit that i have this thought, for it may backfire my taste for man.
For better understanding, this is the definition for lala.
Lala [la la]
– noun
side kick
front kickdouble triple slaps
and i will also sew kau your mouth.
ish... geram geram geram
it has been long,
for me to stop and think,
or not to do anything else.
stay still, in dead silence,
just to let my thoughts run.
because ,
i dare not to leave a moment unoccupied,
i dare not .
Life is deceiving.
For one moment, you thought you had everything tucked properly in place. Work, friends, puffs, heaps and heaps of activities, just to make yourself busy. Such smooth schedule arranged you thought. Such seamless surface. you assumed, you almost had it behind.
deep down you know,
you, are living in denial.
it still follows you around everyday.
it still crawls to you, wakes you up soaking wet,wreck with guilt.
you, know what you did.
you, will never get far.
people said when an inaccurate statement is made often enough, then it becomes truth.
repeat after me.
a pig's orgasm last 30 mins?
gosh, great 30 mins swirling in the pool of orgasm.
i am so fucking absolutely wanna be a pig.
yeap, showing you one of the many pix i took in Hanoi.
hardly can see any of this street scene in malaysia , such simple life.
ah, such great pix, couldn't believe it's taken by me.
i will,
abide to the standard sleeping posture.
No tossing and turning.
stiff neck is no fun.
it has been ages since the last occasion i dealt with kaki tangan kerajaan. say about 4 years ago, when everyone of us have to change their old ID card to the oh-so canggih-but-not-functioning multi-application smart citizens ID card.
after 1460 no-sakit-mata-and-sakit-kepala days, i've completely forgotten how efficient our kaki tangan kerajaan can be.
as a penalty to my memory failure, nightmare revisits and it happened last friday at Malaysia Immigration Office.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen: miss, you cant apply passport without birth cert la.
Me: huh? since when birth cert is needed for passport?how should we deal with this then? i have to leave the country next Monday.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen:you have to go to this Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara located at Sogo there to reissue your birth cert.
Me:Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara?
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen: yes, the department's title is written behind your ID.
Me: i thought there is one below this office.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen: yes.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen: aiyah, this one cannot issue birth cert from other state, only can pull out data from Selangor and KL. you must go Sogo there.
Me:huh? but da title is Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara not Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen:aiyah you go try la.
Me: ok, i WILL be back.
after 2 hours staring at kaki tangan kerajaan floating working, i had my birth cert reissued and bumped into MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen.
MsTudungWithMukaSepuluhSen:eh miss, you agian ar. they let you reissue ar.
Me: Yes, told you i will be back.
AnotherImmigrationGuy:miss, where are you going, bring me along can?
AnotherImmigrationGuy:Come on la miss, i can take care of you, bring me along la. where you going?
Me: to Australia, getting married on Tuesday.
AnotherImmigrationGuy:please proceed to the next counter for last checking.
despite the scene i went through, i am still proud to be a malaysian.
insyah allah, will collect my passport on Monday.
cindy was right, i am polluted because i have bad friends.
Hwei says:
eh, i love u le
Ainee says:
Ainee says:
im not ready to be lesbian yet
Hwei says:
DAMN U LA.. i lou ku po also wont become lesbian
Ainee says:
hor... u swear dy
Ainee says:
where's en nick
Hwei says:
shhh.. dont tell enick la!
Ainee says:
i want tell him not to blanja u
Hwei says:
i need tat food. cuz pokai d.
Hwei says:
u very good la.. good tat we met at form 6 le
Ainee says:
good what la good
Ainee says:
u wan wat me blanja u makan is it
Hwei says:
Ainee says:
en nick ma ur victim
Ainee says:
whats his ID? i want tell him, bocor ur rahsia
Hwei says:
Ainee says:
i duno
Ainee says:
*whistle* la la la
Hwei says:
Hwei says:
i batalkan da plan to treat u keropok 2 batang
Ainee says:
nvm, i go his frenster to msg him about that
Ainee says:
about what kind of person lee ying hwei is!!!!
Ainee says:
u sked onot now?
Hwei says:
Ainee says:
i like
Ainee says:
u sked onot?
Hwei says:
how come my frens always wanna 靠害
Ainee says:
karma lor
Ainee says:
coz u alwiz do that to others
cindy, you have not met my friends.
i am way innocent than you thought i am.
monday , tuesday , wednesday, thursday , friday , saturday, sunday, monday
as though weekend never existed.
in case you ask yourself,
YES to!
so it took me two days to deal with this fugly font issue. i am only technologically impair not retard. the fucking celcom broadband connection keep lagging out like sial and disconnected like i didnt pay the bills.
i even went one step further to change the template. :D
such contradicting and eye-soring colours.but , they matched perfectly well together dont they?
yikes, so not my choice of not me. but this template will be here for quite sometime cuz i simply like to annoy the shit out of you.
i literally scarred my face when i accidently surfed login into my blog.
then i started hyperventilating.
what the hell.. its true i've ditched my blog for some time, eleh, tak cukup 1 month also and now i dont even recognize my own blog. what is with the big ugly font at the upper left corner?? is always suprising always shocking.
in the mean time, give some time to a literally technological impaired modern people like me to figure out how to get rid it.
now that i've settled myself. found a job. gushing to be a kuli working adult after graduated 4 weeks. who knows i will be starting that early, even me myself never expect it. but then i'd secretly psyched myself to expect the unexpected since the minute i discovered the invasion of the ugly font.who knows what happen next minute like you'll never know suddenly there is a new entry in my blog.
yikes...shall rant more . and yeah, i like my job. :D
p/s: oh yeah, i've got my own name card. gembira-s
MATA fair
她说: "哎呀, 去那里都那样贵.又没得飞了."
他说: "没有啊, 今天我们到过很多地方. 美国,澳洲,这里都有,都一次过到过了."
connection here like sial.
almost tak sempat to post this burfday wish.
happie put put putday!!
got cake please reserve one piece for me.
i is very poor, been craving to eat cake but no money.
and my stomach ache like fuck.
doggie is following me everywhere.
she is like a cotton candy, chocolate cotton candy.
keep aftering me, for the papaya in my hand.
boxes, boxes and boxes of packed items lay uncompromisingly at the living room.
i know, next week everyone will be leaving.
it is not going to be the usual semester break.
we are leaving each other this time.
very soon, i'll be sitting in silence, hearing the echos we used to be.
silence. just silence.
when will i be seeing everyone of you agian?
lets get in da mood, shall we?
Los Campesinos - You! Me! Dancing!
Mika - Lollipop
slap kao myself, exam already still wi wi wa wa here.
like one of those nights agian, sleepless n sulk.
i am a full fledge sulk queen. i have not realised this right until i turned 22. i am not proud of it but i do not intend to deny this. yes, i do tried to get rid of my sulkiness yet it revisits agian and agian and agian, like never ending sial.
yesterday someone told me not to try too hard. the it striked me, something always worth fighting for. that is what i told myself ever since some bitches declared their war of righteousness to me some years ago. tell me, if i werent trying too hard, will i still be surviving? so, do i still need to try hard? or perhaps, you arent trying hard enough?
pah... duno la. i am not good at expressing my thoughts in words but why am i so emo sial? trying too hard or not too hard, i know i wont give up la but where am i going next?
i've not tell you enough how i felt these 23 months.
but dont tell others yeah.
psst..i love you.
everything i once had.
i mocked at others who lost it.
i was once so proud i'll have it as old as i could be.
and i let it slipped quietly.
so quiet..i am so far behind.
sometimes its so ironic...
the more you wanted so badly to work it out, the more suck it becomes.
i dont know how it would be.
but i never lose hope.
there will be a day.
a day.
i asked her,
"what is communication?"
she said,
"Talking about life, favourites, gossips and friends."
I said,
" life like what?"
she said,
" our dislikes, our life."
i nooded to her,
" i have no life, because i have no longer love to communicate. "
i think about you.
blur case pose
k po chi pose
sweet arse
lion king pose
black face pose
nutcase anonymous and doggie
i think about you and me. :(
I am yawning gazillion times a minute.
what happened to the good old times when i was so capable of catching flies with chopstick even after days of sleepless, i am an old, i am ageing prematurely, i insist gracefully.
*yawn* i know. i can trap flies while yawning.sweet.
Thou hast to be afraid of me ballots.
I'll be fucking glad if you were fired, mofos
HAPPY VOTING everyone!
my first encounter with indian porn was a really sad case.
to prove myself very wrong about indian movies with ample of artistic merits, i took the plunge and gave it another try.
man, i am speechless. tell me what you think.
tell me wtf is with that blue colour content vomited from the guy's mouth?
argh, i feel like suffocate myself with orange pasar malam plastic bag.
seriously, wtf?
this is what i call the pinnacle of a super duper talented dog.
no no no no no no, your eyes is not messing with you.
they are perfectly normal, i took an initiative to update my blog. :D
i'm still frenzied by the chinese new year celebration and feeling very very very the sluggish to move my arse even an inch. so,this entry will be mostly pictures. i know the following will be wheeee bit outdated, but wtf , i am very lazy busy as festive season chimes in.
anyhoo, enjoy-lah these photos which i took at tukar-kaki concert on the 2nd feb 08 at kl convention centre. kudos to them, the concert was a real blast, way way way much better than mcr concert. the only major turn off was those teenage boys and girls jerked and jumped like feng-tau-lala disco. urgh...someone should set an age limit for this matter, underage purchase of tickets brings great displeasures to people who really wants to enjoy music.
total madness. people started to queue up 4 hours before the concert starts
queuing up and out of boredom, the camwhore revisited!
kamal starts to fat hau
striking strange poses
another strange pose
trying to include the guai lou behind me in the pic
tukar kaki's rocking tools
started off with top and complete top
then semakin tanggal baju
messy hair can be very the sexy also
ends with the song "beranilah engkau bergerak"
sekian la switchfoot concert's photo. tried to take clearer pics but i am too short that lead singer kept jingling around.
alrightdee, i'll end my post wishing everyone happie happie valentine's day. stay sweet and lovey dovey.
me out. :D
specially dedicated to someone i care, likewise i know she cares about me too.
this special vagina lady, whom i met when we were still little bunnies in primary. she was quiet and innocent, we didnt talk much during our cute days. but glad, a second chance was given. ooooh yes, i am really glad ham sap people are finally united now! :D
and he she is turning 23 today! buwahaha.. old but cute, such contradicting
i sincerely hope that you will stay cute and genuine forever.
sorry yeah girl, couldnt blow candles with you and no pretzie cuz i am sooooo broke. but i found a nice cupcake pic just for you. see those cute little loves on the cupcake? that is soooooo ai nee aint it?
I'd once heard,
people cant live alone. they always flock in to stand at a particular side, neither they are best buddies nor share the same interest.
so these people said,
hey, why arent you in any herd?you must have done something really really bad, that is why you are a pathetic outcast.
then i asked,
why must you arrange yourself to follow the flow? why be in the herd that doesnt fits you at all? does being in the circle makes you less lonely? or being in the deemed-right-side makes you the warrior after righteousness?
they argued in the tiniest breath,
no, you must change for the sake of acceptance.the herd is always right.
i gave them a smirk and snapped,
i dont even care about social ostracism. have you ever questioned the rationale behind every story? do you think you know every single bits that happened? or you are so blinded by the so-called-friendship coalition?
i laughed like hyena and said, how shallow you are to define yourself as the herd.
i dont need herd, a couple of friends whom i know i can rely on whenever i need them. :)
i dont need herd, because i dont need others to judge me, or might as well stew me for what i did.
i dont need herd, whatever issue that puts me on, so be it. let the cards fall where they may.
afterall, i dont need herd because i will never belong to any.